I've used the Marvell Yukon gigabit controllers
before.  I had them on some boards from Gigabyte a
couple of years ago. I'd just whichever one Asus has
on their site. I have not heard of "Alaska". 

Once I had one onboard a motherboard was whose Device
ID did not match the device ids in the drivers
(*.inf). I had to force install the driver and it
worked fine after that. I think somehow the device id
changed because this was a production system at a
local Copy Center that suddenly went offline. I
quickly saw that it's ethernet controller had become
an unknown/other device in the Windows Device Manager.
After checking the vendor and device id of the
ethernet controller I found that the vendor code
matched but the device id didn't. Neither the drivers
from the motherboard manufacturer nor Marvell's
reference driver had a matching id. It was very odd.

-Tharin O.

--- DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Al,
> Have not found a change log yet.  I've exploded all
> the zippers I have. No 
> info/log files yet......
> V10 is the plan, as soon as I find out just which
> Marvell chip is on the board.
> Could now be "Alaska."  ????  Thought it was
> "Yukon."  Stupid codewords.....
> Got to the Marvell site, but, as usual, it is not a
> clear path to what I'd 
> like to know. I do not know the proper lingo and
> buzz/codewords.  The 
> search is fun anyway.....
> Best,
> Duncan
> At 17:56 01/31/2008 -0500, you wrote:
> >DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I now have
> > > drivers at V7, V8, V9, and V10.
> > >
> > > Am I correct to use the V10 drivers?  Or, should
> I just use the default
> > > V6.27 that came with the m/b to start with?
> >
> >There should be a change log telling what each
> version corrected.
> >I would just go with the newest driver...
> >
> >Best,
> >Al

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