At 09:58 PM 08/02/2008, wrote:
Cnet article saying five reasons not to buy Blue ray...

None of them seem very compelling.

1)If you want the 1.1 picture in picture commentary and 2.0 online features, wait for those players (notice they aren't saying to go HD, they are saying to wait for a newer BluRay.) (I can't imagine these features being a big deal, and since the PS3 will upgrade to do these - and is the player recommended in the article - get a PS3 and enjoy.) 2)You'll want a big screen TV. Well duh - if you are still living with a 19" TV, it's unlikely you care about image quality. Why even buy a DVD player in this case? 3)There are less than 450 titles on BluRay. Ok, but it still plays your DVDs (and upscales them too, if you have a good BluRay player, like the PS3.) 4)You might have to upgrade your firmware. This is a bonus, not a downside. And if you can't do it, I'm sure the place you bought it can do it for you. 5)Prices are going down. This is the age old idiot reason not to buy. "If I wait, it might be cheaper." Well sure, but if you don't get to enjoy it in the meantime. This argument fails to understand that time, not money, is our most precious resource - you can always make more money, but you can't make more time. If you want something, get it.

The player they recommend, the PS3, sounds like an awesome option - Bluray player, DVD upscaler, game machine, and media streaming device - for what, $400? My wife spent that on our first DVD player. And this is a three in one device that blows that DVD player out of the water.

This article sounds to have been written by an HD fan who is angry that BluRay appears to be winning. I'm not sure why people really care which side wins (unless they are invested heavily) and articles like this keep people on the fence so that the war drags on. If I were buying today, I'd get a BluRay - and by doing so, I'd be helping end the format war.

(I'm playing everything off hard drive right now, and my current projector won't give me the resolution I want for BluRay, so I'm waiting for it to die so I can get a new one with a BluRay player. On a side note, I'm not sure why anyone would buy a big screen TV anymore - projectors seem to offer much more.)


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