What makes this stuff so addictive?
Last of the three Orange Box games that I tried was Team Fortress 2. I had
never gotten into online gaming but I loved Portal and Ep 2 of HL2 so I
though if TF2 was half as good it would be worth investigating. Damn, it's
like crack! I really am spending a lot of time right now, especially
playing the Dustbowl map. Not to the point of quitting my job or anything,
but it takes up almost all of my spare time.
- [H] A/D boxes? DHSinclair
- Re: [H] A/D boxes? FORC5
- Re: [H] A/D boxes? Rick Glazier
- [H] Why is multiplayer so addictive? Veech
- Re: [H] Why is multiplayer so addictive? Hunter, Gary
- Re: [H] Why is multiplayer so addictive? Raul Limos
- Re: [H] Why is multiplayer so addictive... Chris Reeves
- Re: [H] Why is multiplayer so addictive... Hunter, Gary
- Re: [H] Why is multiplayer so addictive... The Beave
- Re: [H] Why is multiplayer so addictive? Jim Edwards
- Re: [H] A/D boxes? Hayes Elkins