On 16 Jun 2008, at 13:17:570, j maccraw wrote:

I'd fully suggest going with the Rampage, it's a great board so far for me. Part of the best $1300 I've ever spent on a PC upgrade when it comes to the "wow, I can see the difference" factor. The rest being Q6600, Visiontek HD3870X2 OC'd, 2GB Corsair DDR2-800, case +psu. Only regret is the audio and that would be the same with all the current boards.

With top-end LGA775 QX CPU's still ~$1000 which would have to come down in price after (delayed recently for erata) Nehalem ships. Then consider mature & vetted X48 (not " very obsolete") mobos vs a new core ships with new socket & bugs to work out, What again exactly makes that high-end LGA775 a "silly" choice? That's some funny waffle flawed logic given that out the other side of your face you suggest a budget, limping, limited P35 mobo instead! A Rampage X48 cost same as Maximus X38, both only $100 more than P5K, they both have more lanes than P35 and are after all a ROG not a budget models so it's a tofu to steak comparison. Nevermind who the heck buys a mobo (as a conscious choice or perceived benefit) based on it having wifi built-in anyways?

1) the X48 chipset isn't mature, since it's only just hit the market.
2) It's a silly choice because it offers no particularly tangible real world performance benefit over a P35 board and costs quite a bit more, your hyperbolic description of P35 as limping and limited aside, there really isn't all that much to be gained. 3) At what point did I say it having built in wifi was a swinging point for it? although it certainly makes more sense in 99% of cases than dual gigabit ethernet.


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