I would still have a dead server without the collective. Thank you all!
Without your help (over the past 67 msgs!) I would still be scratching
my head. I really do appreciate all of your suggestions and help.

My w2kServerSP4 is up and running once again! And, it only took 80 Win
Updates to come fully back! LOL!

The ' primary application(s) for the ESET lanupdsrvr, RAS, and RAC are
reinstalled and running as expected.

The RAID did reformat properly. Eraser v5.82 cleared it of anything windows
missed. Somehow, I gained ~200MB of space; but am not fully reloaded.

ATM, I have about 1/2 of the past applications reinstalled. I have not brought
the data back to the RAID yet. All in good time................ :)

I did have to accept IIS, Indexing Svc, DHCP, and DNS during the default
install of the Windows "Deli-basket" for the OS.  I believe I have now
properly de-installed/stopped/disabled the above 4 services.  I no longer
get event logs and login windows about "some service did not load.....".
In time, I will further tweak the services. But, I will ask first!

Again, thank you all for all your help.

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