Get a Dell or Gateway LCD. They have multiple inputs, for VGA, DVI, S-Video, VCR video and newer ones have HDMI. You just plug your video card into a DVI or VGA port and then plug Game cube into one of the others. Then just use the selector switch on the LCD Monitor to pick the source.

Just make sure the video card in the PC will handle the LCD you pick at the default resolution.

Good Luck

At 07:22 PM 8/31/2008, you wrote:

My 12 y/o has a desktop PC with a 17"CRT and a TV on her desk so she can
play her GameCube.  I'd like to get her an LCD monitor (probably 17"-19")
that either 1) has inputs so she could use it for her PC or her GameCube, or
2) some sort of switching mechanism (I guess like a KVM switch) where she
could switch sources for the monitor.

Can any of you tell me what my options are for this?  I think #1 above would
be the easiest.



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