LOL not if it was invite only, but I digress since the sky seems to be falling over FB according to otherwise rational list members!

I remember arguing with an idiot representing StarGate Command (supposedly people who work on the show) on MySpace. They were flooding friends with dire warnings about FB attacks while MySpace pages infect people daily. Of course these MS fanbois could only belittle me as ignorant or "get educated" and ramble on about FB's TOS & my personal data.

Joe User wrote:
Hello maccrawj,

Monday, September 22, 2008, 9:55:48 AM, you wrote:

LOL, where on FB have you seen anyone naked?

A HardwareGroup on FB would be ok, but I'm content enough to be friended by list
members w/o using a group. I mean what content would a group give us that we 
have now with the list?

I can see the spam bots rolling in now...

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