If you're playing @ 1920 with a single 4850 I am not surprised you don't like the results! What's the specs on the rest of the system?

I think you should read some more because consistently ATI has beat NV $ for $ performance wise, the 3870X2 has matched 280's and beaten 260's never mind the new 4870 & X2 versions.

Stan Zaske wrote:
Complex questions. First off, I game on a 24" monitor @ 1920x1200. My old box with WinXP, DX9 and 2 gig of RAM DID run Crysis with everything set an Medium with good results. My recently upgraded box still with 2 gigs (soon to be 4 as soon as NewEgg ships my Mushkin), Vista64, DX10.1 and Catylyst 8.9 I have to set everything on low or it starts to drive me nuts. I used the same Radeon HD4850 in both and even though DX10 is visibly better looking I'm disappointed in the performance drop. Anyway, they're both good cards and even though I try to support AMD every chance I get the GTX260 is apparently superior in every respect.

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