New drives in hand. One installed in the "failed" position.
Server booted and "held" at the bios prompt (ctrl+A) for the raid array.
All 3 drives NOW read "optimal."
In bios, I gave the RAID REBUID command. (at ~1400hrs, my time).

It is now ~2020 my time. All I have witnessed (seen, heard) since is
that the Activity LEDs (yellow) of all three drives of the RAID array blink ON
every ~10 seconds. It is just a 'blink.'
I do accept that my raid card only has 32MB of SODIMM RAM. But still......

Greg, you may just win this hand! OK, if I leave this machine alone all night,
will I have coffee in the AM with a re-built array, maybe?

I can accept even a RAID controller that is toast! (if so, the next question is:
does anyone have a cheap A-3200S for sale!!!!) LOL!

Sometimes, this hobby is just way too much fun! Yagotztaluvitsometimes!

Pull no punches here, please. I can always just start over.
I still have the bios-level command of CREATE............ :)
Thank you,

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