Wait - it found a Trojan in the Zone Alarm setup files?  That to me sounds
like a false positive - mostly likely those files contain a heuristic
pattern to help ZA discover Trojans and AVG is picking that up as an actual

That's been known to happen.  But hey, it could also be some really clever
Trojan writer who decided to hide their malware among known false positives.

Try running Windows Defender and see what that gives you.  Also, you might
want to boot from one of the various Linux Live CDs and run a scan of your
system as well.  If you have a root kit infection that might be the only way
to detect it.


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Sam Franc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Brian,
> I have been running an AVG scan and it has found several places for the
> "Trojan Horse Agent_r.CX" in Zone Alarm setup files on my desktop.
> Zls setup_70_484_000
>         70_337_000
>         70_483_000
>         70_462_000
> If I put those files in recycle bin and empty it will that get rid of them?
> Sam
> Brian Weeden wrote:
>> Could be a few different things going on.  Might have been a false
>> positive
>> and you might have killed something necessary for your internet connection
>> to work.  But it might have also been a real trojan.  Sometimes they
>> insert
>> themselves pretty deeply in system processes and removing them breaks the
>> links that allows things like the network stack to work.
>> Try rebooting, see if that helps.  Also try safe mode.  But don't get your
>> hopes up.
>> ---------------------------
>> Brian Weeden
>> Technical Consultant
>> Secure World Foundation <http://www.secureworldfoundtion.org>
>> +1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
>> +1 (202) 683-8534 US
>> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Sam Franc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> This am when I started up a message came on the screen from AVG.
>>> "AVG finds you have a trojan. Do you want to remove it forcefully?"
>>> I clicked yes and the message reappeared.
>>> I could not get rid of it.
>>> I restarted the computer and the message was gone.
>>> Now when I start Firefox I get a message it is taking to long no matter
>>> what URL I try to get.
>>> Is that the trojan working?
>>> What should  I do now?
>>> --
>>> Sam Franc
>>> On the Oregon Coast
>>> I must be willing to give up what I am
>>> in order to become what I will be.-Einstein
>>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.173 / Virus Database:
>>> 270.8.0/1723 - Release Date: 10/13/2008 6:42 PM
> --
> Sam Franc
> On the Oregon Coast
> I must be willing to give up what I am
> in order to become what I will be.-Einstein

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