ACPI is an advanced way for the OS to communicate with peripherials, notably
drives.  It's not required but does have some interesting features.

Be careful though.  If you install Windows on a system with the BIOS set to
SATA or IDE communication with drives and then change it to ACPI it's likely
that Windows will not boot.  That's because the driver used to read from the
hard disk is different.  So if you are planning on using ACPI (which does
have some benefits) then turn it on in the BIOS before installin windows.

If you're doing it on a system that already has Windows installed, make sure
you install the drivers in windows BEFORE turning on ACPI in the BIOS.

Brian Weeden
Technical Consultant
Secure World Foundation <>
+1 (514) 466-2756 (Canada)
+1 (202) 683-8534 (USA)

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 5:27 PM, DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My BIOS has a selection for ACPI.
> Does ACPI have to be enabled to install WinXP?
> Thanks,
> Duncan

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