Just got back from checking both of your shares. Yes, both are where they should be. I did export the bookmarks.html file to my desktop and viewed it. It does seem to list all of what IS in the bookmarks 'object.' Still confused though. Was looking for a directory that contains the actual objects. Perhaps FF is just different in this way. Truly looking for something that I can backup so if my PC crashes and has to be rebuilt, I can bring back my bookmarks of old.
Thank you,

At 16:44 10/24/2008 -0400, you wrote:
In Firefox, go to the Bookmarks menu, aqnd go to "Organize Bookmarks."

On this screen there should be a button that says "Import and Backup"
-- there you go :)

If you want to much around in your profile directory it's found at:

C:\Documents and Settings\[your_username]\Application Data\Mozilla \Firefox\Profiles\[random junk].default\

I think you're right and Firefox stores the bookmarks in some internal
database format (SQLite?) and that the "bookmarks.html" files in this
directory are auto-generated every time you run firefox. I bet you
could restore from them if you had to though.


On Oct 24, 2008, at 4:26 PM, DHSinclair wrote:

For the last few years I have been 'backing up' the "favorites"
directory of my primary UID (the administrator logon does not surf
much at all!) when using IE.  Now, I use FF.

I searched for some object named "Bookmarks" hoping to find another
folder/directory of similar ilk.  Not found, but what I do see is a
bunch of dot-JSON files. Looking further........... :)
Is this some special way that FF stores the real bookmarks?

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