OK, I think I will do the E8400-retail. Are there any negative comments about the hs/fan that comes with the E8400? New hs/fans are possible for future needs as conditions warrant; and, would most likely go to ThermalRight unless a better cooler exists................ :)

The cases are all Lian-Li PC69's (that have been a good investment from years past!).
The case fans are not an issue; can be updated as required.

Over the years, I have found that most default hs/fan combos from intel work well at the box chip speeds........... I do not plan to overclock. The 3.0GHz speed is just fine.

I'm experimenting with a Xigmatek thing at the moment, which does a very good job, but for stock clock the retail one is absolutely fine.

Almost seems like a shame to leave an E8400 stock though, I've yet to encounter one that wasn't stable at 3.6Ghz without even looking at the voltage setting. :p Not that I'm saying you have to or anything, it's totally cool to like the peace of mind that comes from big safety margins.


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