Do all the caps on the mainboard look okay?

On 17 Dec 2008, at 01:27, nobozoz wrote:

I have a Dell Precision WorkStation 350.

OS:          WINXPSP3
VIDEO:       nVidia Quado4 900XGL
CPU:         P4, 3.0 GHz
Memory:      4x256MB, RIMM

I'm experiencing random lockups 2~3 times per day. The display freezes up, mouse frozen, CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work - I have to cold boot to get it going again. CPU temp ~52C, HDD temp ~35C, amb temp ~42C (case is closed). There is no indication of overheating, the Event Viewer is devoid of anything suspicious. There is almost no load on the machine when it freezes. I run WHQL drivers from NVIDIA.

I'm starting to suspect the RIMM memory. I am currently running "Microsoft Memory Diagnostic" found here:


This being the only Rambus PC I have (or ever will have) I don't have many options for hardware swapping to try and ferret out this problem and the cost of replacement RIMMs is more than the rest of the machine is worth.

Any ideas appreciated.


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