I've got some 10K RPM Fujitsu scsi drives around here somewhere, I _THINK_ they're 18GB each.. but they might be 36's.. I'll have to dig them up and check.

On 7 Jan 2009, at 20:42, DHSinclair wrote:

Looking for a used scsi hard drive, if you have same.

I'd like it to connect to an Adaptec 2940UW;
Looking for 10Krpm, but will accept 7200rpm;
Size must be at least 9GB, 18GB or > is even better!

I made a severe boo-boo! Windows XP just will not fit on a 4.5GB Cheetah!!!!
No matter what is tried.................... :)

So, dead dinosaur until new sponge is found!
Thank you,

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