power supply might be suspect. Hows the wall voltage ?

At 05:35 AM 1/16/2009, Victor Subervi Poked the stick with:
>I had to replace my motherboard and toss out a hard drive because of this
>problem, and now it seems to be repeating itself! The HD I currently am
>using I've used for many years with no problem (the other one was a 2nd HD).
>The problem is mainly around having the checksum not check on boot and
>having to reset the BIOS settings to the default. On my old motherboard, it
>would do it every so often, and then the problem got worse and worse and
>suddenly the machine wouldn't boot and I had to buy a new motherboard. This
>problem with the BIOS has only happened once so far on the new board, but it
>also created other problems, including screwing up at least one driver in my
>audio system (it appears to be part of the Windoze bundle) and asking me if
>I want to register MS Word (after it had been installed for months). Another
>wierd problem is that I can't get Python to work with browsers (everything
>else works fine). Wierd, wierd, wierd. But I don't want to shell out more
>money on motherboards!
>These problems began with the old motherboard when I installed the new HD,
>which I have tossed, so I was surprised when they continued with the new
>motherboard, since I had assumed the old HD was responsible. Now, at the
>same time I installed the old HD, I also began using a thumb drive, so I
>wonder if it could be the source of the problem? It's a ScanDisc U3
>Launchpad Version 1,1,0,2 Device Version 2.18 ADAPI Version
>I have Windoze XP, an Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80 GHz, hard drive WDC
>WD800LB-60DNA1, CD TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202J, motherboard is a Foxconn,
>Phoenix AwardBIOS. Why be more specific on the motherboard when it screwed
>up the same way on a completely different one? Didn't want to open the box
>for that. Ideas?

Tallyho ! ]:8)
Taglines below !
"Trying is only the first step towards failure."
 - Homer Simpson

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