So you have never meet people that were never wrong? (Rhetorical.)
I've meet people that would not accept concrete proof they were wrong.

Things have changed, but along a similar line...
I have a friend that had a Gateway that he had professionally turned
into an OEM white box. (Faster CPU, more + better RAM, New MB,
case, etc. and all EXCEPT the OS. (Win98).
When he booted it, it still had the Gateway Logo.
I'm pretty sure it had to be an OS screen (logo.sys<?>), not a BIOS one.
And some wonder why MS HAD to get WPA.
(And he paid them $1700+ for the job.)

When he switched to me as his new builder, we milked it a year  with
about $45 in parts, before we replaced EVERYTHING 100%.
I think I still have it here somewhere.

Rick Glazier

From: "Thane Sherrington"
do you see this logo, or an IBM logo." "I see that logo - Acer." was the reply,

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