I'll play with that later, I imagine on booting to the disk I hit install 
instead of repair and then I would get that option.

But I agree with Robert on the apts but think in my main machine I am limited 
to XP x86 for now because of some of the older 16bit ( and maybe even 8bit) 
programs I use. 


At 07:32 PM 4/28/2009, tmse...@rlrnews.com Poked the stick with:
>Oh, there is a neat trick... Forget repair install, it does an install 
>migration, and it is slick.  For those that wonder, may 4 the rc goes public. 
>Sent via BlackBerry 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: FORC5 <fuf...@cox.net>
>Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:18:33 
>To: <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
>Subject: [H] Windows 7 ?
>Been messing with Windows 7 a little for a month or so, not too bad I must say.
>Wanted to see how it handled change so I plugged the drive into a different 
>computer, was very impressed with the repair/restore screen it takes me too 
>other then the fact it would not repair. 
>I suppose if it was on the same hw the repair would have been fine. Booted to 
>the cd and attempted a repair, same result.
>I suppose we are not allowed to change MB's in MS's future, huh ? But this is 
>a pre release.
>Have not done this with Vista, I would guess the same result but I wonder if 
>Vista has this boot to repair option without using the disk ( like needed with 
> XP ) This will be tested soon, server to be updated. If Vista will not repair 
>or run I think XP64 or Server 2003 is in order to replace it.
>strange thing though, drive was c: in other box but saw the OS ( after driver 
>install, OLD hw) it saw the os on E: Have no idea why. only drive in system. 
>Only thing I can think of it is a older system with two PATA channels and 
>supposed it was picking up E ( would be the logical 4th drive) Old Asus a7n8x 
>deluxe, still runs the 3200 barton like a top and does OK with Vista and 2 gig 
>ram other then I have been plagued with BSOD's, suspect Vista does not like 
>the old HW. But it did run fine for a very long time.
>any one else playing with 7  ( not 7 of 9 ) :-D
>Tallyho ! ]:8)
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>In war there is no substitute for victory.

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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In war there is no substitute for victory.

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