I hear you. Right now I am confident that heat will not be an issue but time 
will tell right now. 

Thanks for the info. 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Robert Martin Jr." <lopa...@pacbell.net>

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 06:10:42 
To: <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Subject: Re: [H] HTPC Build

I've got a quad phenom 95W and it does get pretty hot if run at full load for a 
while. I have a similar clocked 65W Quad core Intel chip that runs a lot 
cooler. If heats not an issue right now don't sweat it, but when you find a 
good deal maybe move to the smaller die.


From: Zulfiqar Naushad <z00...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [H] HTPC Build
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Date: Sunday, June 28, 2009, 9:16 PM

I completed the build and hooked it up to the plasma. Very impressed so far. 

The only problem I have so far is that there is a bit of video tearing. I 
enabled both triple buffering as well as vertical sync and it helped loads but 
still I can see a wee bit of tearing. 

Any idea of how to get rid of it completely?

Also do you think it is worth moving down to a 65w CPU rather than a 95W cpu?

-----Original Message-----
From: tmse...@rlrnews.com

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 00:13:55 
To: <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Subject: Re: [H] HTPC Build

The 780g is one of the best bang for buck durable htpc platforms going. 
Sent via BlackBerry 

-----Original Message-----
From: Naushad Zulfiqar <z00...@gmail.com>

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 22:36:54 
To: <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Subject: [H] HTPC Build

Almost finished building a HTPC.

Just installing some drivers now and some codecs so XBMC can run.

Got myself a

Gigabyte GA-MA78GPM-UD2H Motherboard
AMD 780G Chipset
SB700 (yeah but who cares) South Bridge
Athlon X2 64 7750 Black Edition
4 GB Crucial Ballistix RAM (yeah overkill, but I had them laying around)

So far I am quite impressed with this AMD build.  It's the first Phenom
processor I have used (the 7750 is essentially a Phenom sans 2 cores).
Performance is very smooth.  HD videos play perfectly on my computer LCD.
Tomorrow is the test on my Plasma to see if it works fine.  Processor is a
wee tiny bit on the toasty side for my likings.  If things don't go too
well, I will go for a 65W TDP processor.  This is a 90W TDP proc AFAIK.  But
my HTPC case is well ventilated and I don't expect anything to burn up.  The
mobo is completely fanless so that's a good thing.  I am using AMD's stock
cooler for the time being but may upgrade to something with a bit more
oomph.  Right now I wanted to remain as stock as possible and not break the

The CPU was a steal at $50!!!

All of this is running a pared down version of XP Professional and if things
go the way they do, then I will be a happy camper.

Just one quick question.  I can't seem to get CnQ to work unless I run the
Gigabyte Easy Saver utility.  If I don't run the utility, the Processor is
pegged at 2.7Ghz, but witht the utility it goes as low as 1.6 or
thereabouts.  Can I get the CnQ functionality without the Gigabyte
software?  Perhaps there is a CPU driver for XP?

Best Regards,

Zulfiqar Naushad

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