Good tip, thanks!

Scott Sipe wrote:
For what it's worth, I use a firefox plugin called HTML Validator that adds an html validator to the "view source" page. It seems like it's rarely updated and never works with the newest firefoxes, but you can go into the plugin directory (your firefox profile directory/extensions/extension_name (or directory name that looks like {3ce93439852eb ... etc ...}) and modify the "install.rdf" to change what versions of Firefox it supports.

I'm sure it's somewhat risky and YMMV, but it's worked for me and this one extension.


On Jul 22, 2009, at 2:20 PM, swzaske wrote:

Not compatible with all my plug ins and I'm sure it's more advanced (especially with HTML 5 etc.) but not noticeably for my purposes. I use it but Meh!

DSinc wrote:

So I stumble across the above cnet article about FireFox.
Have all my machines up to v3.0.12 ATM, but I detect a strong push to update again to v3.5.1......... :)

Does anyone on the List use the new v3.5.1?

Can I still use/add NoScript and CS-Lite to this new version?


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