Sold me, thanks.

Jamie Furtner wrote:
IE Tab works fine with Firefox 3.5.[01] - I use it to avoid having to pull up IE.


swzaske wrote:
Down with IE is right but I still have to use it far too often because a web site fails to render properly in Firefox. Wish I could get rid of IE entirely. Should try IE Tab and see if it works with 3.5.1.

DSinc wrote:
The deed is done! All my units now use FireFox v3.5.1.

Interestingly, I observe that FF seems to hide some "user data" in its' own sequestered space. Even though I fully de-installed v3.0.12 first; when v3.5.1 did install next, it found all my "user data" and just trucked on to completion! I can suppose this data was in the magic /profile directory. No need to comprehend the 'magic' at this time. Very glad it is there and working!

I am favorably impressed with this behavior.

Just another nail in IE's coffin!!! LOL!

Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 12:30 PM 22/07/2009, DSinc wrote:

So I stumble across the above cnet article about FireFox.
Have all my machines up to v3.0.12 ATM, but I detect a strong push to update again to v3.5.1......... :)

Does anyone on the List use the new v3.5.1?

Can I still use/add NoScript and CS-Lite to this new version?

I'm on 3.5.1 and noscript with no problems.  Definitely upgrade.


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