I went to MS and found that their latest drivers for their mice is now V7.0 (ipx86_1033_7.00.260.0.exe). No biggie. I have been using V6.30, and still wondering whether to try V6.31. OK. This is some past and present......... :)

MS V7.0 did surprise me! I do know that V6.31 is as far as I can push my old W2K server.... LOL!

Today, over morning coffee, I got to watch a mouse just die! No-worky! It started blinking its' butt off and on, then off! No light-up. No nada! (using the V7.0/New driver!)
Re-booted via kbd commands! (thank you maccrawj!!!)

Should I suspect the MS driver 1st? Or, should I suspect the cheap (oem) MS optical wheel mouse? They were only ~$15 from Newegg 3 months ago!

Not a trick question at all. So far, the suspect "dead" MS mouse seems to work just fine on another machine that also has a SwitchView KVM switch.
(This I did NOT expect!!!)

I have eliminated my master KVM switch (and the connected client) because as I type this query I now have an old Logitech 3-key, wheel, Marble-mouse back in service. It is a bit sluggish, but fully functional....(using the MS V7.0 driver!).... :)

Opinions? I'd love to blame this on the latest MS drivers! I will test this shortly......I do so love re-booting all my connected KVM clients!!! (NOT!!)

Yes, a bit confused I am ATM. Searching for a bit of Yo-Da wisdom?
Thank you.

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