hmm.. ATI? Interesting, I'm hoping/assuming the ATI cards will work ok on an nVidia mobo?

----- Original Message ----- From: "James Boswell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 02:41
Subject: Re: [H] One of two 8800 GTS (SLI) on the fritz.. next move?

the GTS512 is actually faster than the GTS640 (it's a 128 shader part with higher clockspeeds, compared to the 96 shader... 500Mhz? of the GTS320/640)

ATI's 5870's should be dropping in two or three weeks, so I'd recommend waiting to see what that can do before spending any money.

On 26 Aug 2009, at 06:58, Veech wrote:

I had two EVGA e-Geforce 8800GTS running in SLI and one went bad, I think the RAM may have overheated. So I pulled out the bad one and am now running with just one 8800 GTS. So far it is fine for my purposes, but I've been out of the video-card market for almost 3 years and am wondering what the next move should be. I plan to contact EVGA and see if by any chance it is under warranty, I heard that it is possible that they may replace it although I don't know yet for sure.

I have an EVGA nForce 680i board and am running Win XP.

I see a similar card available at Amazon but it looks different than mine, probably a newer version. Anyway it's $89.99 so even if I buy two of them, for $180 I could run two new 8800s in SLI.

edit:  I see it's the 512MB version of the card.  nevermind..

e-GeForce 8800 GTS P/N 640-P2-N821-AR serial 6088212000644  640MB  PCI-E

What do you folks recommend, is 8800 GTS old tech now, is there something else much better for about the same price that would work for PCI-E?


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