I'm building a box that will be doing a wide variety of tasks. It will be 
running 1-2 vmware OSes, capturing and converting video from analog TV, running 
some home automation, and serving 4TB of video files (eventually expanded to 
8TB) to all the networked media players in the house.

I have 2 CPU's available that run fine on the MB. 1 is a Pentium 4-M 2.80GHz 
CPU and I'm using an adapter so I can run it (s478) in a s775 MB. I also have a 
Core 2 Duo 1.6 cpu that works on this board. I tried a Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz cpu 
but it is not recognized and does not boot in the system or that was my first 
choice. Since it is a specialty system, I have been unable to find what the 
maximum CPU support is. It is a Norco 7851F system.

Any thoughts on why one would be better than the other? 


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