So Vista is not like XP upgrade where all you needed was the previous CD/DVD to verify it? Seems stupid if down the road to do a fresh install you'd have to start with the previous version 1st though I see the anti-piracy benefit.

Will the DVD's for 7 be like Vista where all versions are there and key decides what you can activate?

Sure hope 7 has revamped some of Vista account status BS with a single local superuser where even domain admins sub-admins.

Jamie Furtner wrote:
Winterlight wrote:
I purchased two Windows 7 Pro upgrades back when they were offering them. I have a desktop running Vista 64 Home Premium OEM and a laptop I got last year that came with Vista 64 Home premium. When MS offered the Advance copy of Windows 7 upgrades I grabbed two of the 100 dollar PRO versions, having had my fill of the Home Premium limitations.

In the last month I have been reading confusing stories about Windows 7 upgrade DVDs which seem to imply that if you are running Vista Home Premium, you can only upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium using a upgrade DVD....or if you have Vista Business you can upgrade to Windows 7 PRO. Is this apply to everybody or is this just for those who bought a computer and are getting a free Windows 7 upgrade.
For in-place upgrades, it's supposed to be like-to-like versions ( So far no information has come out around how people who can't do in-place upgrades will be able to do the install. The thinking so far is that it'll work like the Vista upgrade clean-install hack, but nobody really knows yet. As you're not looking at doing an in-place upgrade, I think we'll have to wait until we're closer to public release and the upgrade disks are out.

Licensing is separate, and I haven't seen anything around how that is supposed to work.

Also, if I install my Windows 7 PRO to a separate partition of my current Vista 64 OEM desktop, so I can dual boot them. Will Windows 7 deactivate my Vista 64 after authenticating it for upgrade purposes. Or will it allow me to keep running Vista 64 OEM on it's original computer. In other words, can I keep and dual boot the Vista 64 OEM after installing the Windows 7 Pro upgrade DVD.
I've never seen a previous version disabled before. The RC didn't touch my other Vista install when I did a parallel install, but I wiped my drives before I installed the RTM version.


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