No need to apologize. I sometimes find it sad that I get excited by such things 
but that's me. 

-----Original Message-----
From: DSinc <>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 13:15:13 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [H] I5 I7 ??

Somehow along the time line I forgot one of the true principles of our 
collective. I apologize for my questions. I should have known better 
even before I pressed the 'send' key!
I am now in rehabilitation hoping to recalibrate my perspectives.

swzaske wrote:
> That happens once in a while. LOL
> Zulfiqar Naushad wrote:
>> You hit the nail right on the head. ------Original Message------
>> From: swzaske
>> Sender:
>> To:
>> ReplyTo:
>> Subject: Re: [H] I5 I7 ??
>> Sent: Sep 29, 2009 7:01 AM
>> Bragging rights and if you have the cash why not?
>> DSinc wrote:
>>> Zul,
>>> I know you are a heavy user, but please explain the "8 threads in the
>>> task mangler."  I am confused. Why is this important or even germain 
>>> to Winterlight's question?  How is this "work-in-my-home" related?
>>> Best,
>>> Duncan
>>> Zulfiqar Naushad wrote:
>>>> Actually if you look at performance per watt ratings the i5 does
>>>> better.  I just bought an i7 so I could see 8 threads in task
>>>> manager.
>>>> ------Original Message------ From: Winterlight Sender:
>>>> To: 
>>>> ReplyTo: Subject: [H] I5 I7 ?? Sent: Sep
>>>> 28, 2009 11:35 PM
>>>> My 2nd PCs motherboard has apparently died so I am looking at a 
>>>> upgrade, motherboard, ram and CPU. The I5 is the cheapest at 200 but
>>>>  there is a 800 series I7 for 80 bucks more... why wouldn't I want to
>>>>  go with the I7>
>>>> It is getting so you need to take a class to figure out Intel /AMD
>>>> CPU lines.

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