Last time I took a laptop to bits (back in 2002), it was an old Dell
Inspiron 5000, Dell had all the instructions for assembly/disassembly on
their web site. It was very easy with the instructions.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of GPL
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:16 AM
Subject: [H] Installing 600m Cover Assembly

I've done the research and discovered the "Control Power Button Cover
Assembly" is the part that is broken on my Inspiron 600m old laptop.
Anyone ever take one of these apart and put them together?

I've worked on many a PC tower but nothing really on laptops.

Its broken on the left hinge where there are two screws now exposed
and broken plastic. All still works but the LCD is not very stable and
looks lousy.

Am I supposed to completely open the laptop to get at this area or is
there an easier path to replacing this cover assembly?

Pictures available upon request.
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