I have a old PC that I use to record TV stuff. It is a P4 3400, Intel 850Perl, 3GB of Crucial DDR, All in Wonder 9600 PRO, a Promise ULTRA 133 PCI, one Maxtor SATA, three WD PATA, a 8 speed LITON DVD burner, powered by a Antec 550 True Power. Old stuff put together for a single purpose... works well, until last night.

I was running it with the TV on and all of a sudden, without any indication of a problem, the TV audio and video just blanked out. The computer was still powered on but nothing on the screen.

First I powered off at the cord, waited a bit and then powered up again. Nothing appeared on the screen. Tried this numerous times after checking cable connections.

Then I hooked up my laptop to the VGA cable... the monitor worked.

Then, leaving the AGP AIW 9600 PRO in place I put a known working Matrox PCI G450. Still no video appears... even at POST.

But it will boot up to XP PRO and I can access all the hard drives across the network. Just no video

It is very strange but I am thinking PS. The Antec True Power is problematic and the problem is a strange one, as are most PS problems. I put a meter on a powered up molex and got 5 on the red and 11.94 on the yellow. Any thoughts?

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