

One of my wife's friends called tonight with a problem that I have never
heard of.


This PC (that I have not seen yet) is pretty old (she thinks it could be
over 10 years old).  She told me that it had been in the shop about 3 years
ago and had been upgraded to XP, so it must have had new hardware put in it.


Anyway, when booting up and it is showing the XP loading screen, the screen
starts blinking on and off.  She says that it might stay off 2-3 seconds at
a go.  Even after logging in, when moving the mouse, it causes the screen to
blink off.  She says that it does not blink on and off when she goes into
safe mode.


One other possibly key piece of information is that apparently, her son had
tried to get around her XP password with some sort of utility (she did not
know what he tried).  She thinks that this stuff did not start happening
until after he tried that stuff.


So, could it be some sort of infection?  Maybe the PS or video card?  She
replaced the monitor and it still does the same thing.  Or maybe a driver
issue of some sort since it works in safe mode?


Any help would be appreciated.




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