At 09:25 PM 1/17/2010, you wrote:
Me again.  I just got the system from the woman tonight.  One thing, it was
DUSTY!  After blowing out the system, I powered it up.  What happens is that
when going in to non-safe mode, after the loading XP window, the screen
blanks for about 10 seconds, then the signal to the monitor cuts off.  After
another 10-15 seconds, the system reboots.

It will boot into safe mode ok.  In safe mode, I modified it so that it will
not reboot on a blue screen.  When I am in safe mode, I cannot view any
events in the event viewer and the device manager shows nothing.  Any ideas?

It does blue screen now with a message something like: "error seems to be
caused by the following file: nv4_disp".  I am researching this error now.
Seems to be sort of common.

The stop code in case anyone is interested is:
0x000000EA (0x870F8908, 0x86DCA108, 0xF7AD0CBC, 0x00000001)

I have yet to scan the drive, but that is in the works.

Any help appreciated.


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David L. Gabler
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