I don't use RAID very often. However, I am putting together a older PC for some specific jobs, and since I had two second generation 74GB Raptors I used the onboard PROMISE controller to set them up RAID 0 with plans to install Windows 7 on it. The primary onboard control is an Intel, but one port is damaged from a bad/loose connector so I decided to disable the Intel controller in the BIOS.

To handle the three other hard drives I am using a PCI Promise SATA 150 RAID 4 port controller with three SATA drives plugged into it. I have used this controller before and previously set it up as SATA not STRIPED. I have never used it as a RAID controller.

The problem is that when I set the PC's BIOS for the onboard PROMISE to RAID instead of SATA, the PCI 150 also went to STRIPED, and now it shows all five of the drives, even the ones on the onboard controller. It seems as if it won't let me use the board PROMISE controller as RAID but the PCI as SATA.... the PCI controller has grouped them all together.... but I don't know enough about this to be sure. Can I do this or will the controllers not allow this. Thanks.

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