AFTER TWO DAYS of PS3 fanbois crying over broken units it looks like the cause of the network glitch has been found, thanks to PS3 users on the #Efnet IRC network and not Sony.

Eurogamer reported yesterday that the fault, which denied PS3 users access to the Playstation Network (PSN) and corrupted trophy settings, was down to an ARM Syscon processor. The only job the processor had to do was work our how to process a leap year and it failed spectacularly. Apparently the same chip was responsible for dazed and confused hardware failures in Zune players and limited numbers of Blackberry devices were also afflicted.

On 3/2/2010 10:45 AM, Brian Weeden wrote:
Sony said earlier this morning that the issue has been fixed and there is a
chance users can get their trophy data back:

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation<>
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:41 AM, maccrawj<>  wrote:

I've been hearing it has nothing to do with network connecting everything
to do with firmware bug&  hardware revisions older than the last 80GB
"fat"/pre-slim models. That is to say the connecting part is domino effect
to the actual problem rather than the source.

This scream loudly that all DRM measures to prevent save game backup&
inter-account movement of those backups should be removed and a secure
method (sony encrypted archive for example) of allowing local backup/restore
of trophies "just in case" both the console AND the network loose the data.
Not too mention if it's not a "it just works" bonehead console that never
has issues, there has to be logs&  diagnostic methods exposed, but of course
Sony is too busy with DRM to worry about giving the customer what they paid

Sony stock actually finished up Monday, surprising.

On 3/1/2010 1:38 PM, Stan Zaske wrote:

Yeah, I read about it on Twitter and apparently the PS3 forum members
are up in arms about it.

On 3/1/2010 2:53 PM, CW wrote:

Sony has bricked their PSN Network. Talk about screwup on a mammoth
scale. If your PS3 connects, you'll lose all your trophies, save
points, and oh yes the ability to get online.

Great! Sony expects a solution in 24 hours.

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