
Your last comment piqued my interest.
I booted up, went into bios and lo and behold the bios image filled the screen.
No gap!
I guess the monitor is working fine hardware-wise.
I now have to figure out what windows doesn't like.
I wish I had that .inf file.
I hate windows!!!


At 04:32 PM 3/22/2010, Christopher Fisk wrote:
On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Michael Resnick wrote:

Sam ,

The "program" in question is WinXP/SP2 at startup.
I would think that my desktop size should fill the monitor at startup.
My resolution is set to the monitors native resolution - 1920x1080 @60Hz.
As a matter of fact, no matter what resolution I choose the rightmost inch of the monitor is black and does not show the desktop.

Most likely monitor problem rather than problem with the drivers.

Does your bios show up ok or got the bar down the right when in BIOS too?


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