I have a new TV and BRD player with Panasonic on line Vericast capability. Unfortunately, there is a issue with my network setup. I have figured out a work around but I don't particularly like it. My Network is setup to isolate the WAP from my LAN, I give access to employees as well as friends, and family but I do not want them to even see my LAN. So I use three older Linksys stacked routers. Cox cable is plugged into a Motorola Surfboard 2 which is plugged into the WAN 192.168.3.x which is a wired router. The LAN 192.168.1.x is a wireless router with wireless disabled. The WAP 192.168.2.x is a wireless router. The routers are setup with three different IP numbers. The LAN and the WAP are plugged into the WAN.

There are lots of stuff running off the LAN, a couple of network printers, a couple of 10/100/1000 switches, a 10/100 switch. This setup has run for years, and while I had to screw with it to get it going, once I had it setup, it has been running flawlessly for years now. I never have to reboot or shut it down. It never gives me a single problem. It works like things should work.

I am in the process of setting up two additional routers as simple access points. One to extend the range of the existing WAP, which is not a problem .... and a new N router which will be for my personal use connected to my LAN and operating as a switch for my TV, BRD and a WD Live media player. This is the one Greg helped me setup as a simple switch and access point.. no DHCP, no firewall.... and it works.

But my TV, BRD and WD Live can't function correctly when plugged into it. When plugged into the switch all three see, and correctly ID the LAN the COX numbers, and can even pass their internal network test... but when I want to get out to the internet, or access my LAN, it can not find it's way out, and I typically get a DNS server not found error.

To troubleshoot, I worked my way back, one wire, one connection, one switch, one router at a time until it worked. This happened instantly when I plugged the TV, BRD and WD live directly into the WAN. The TV and the BRD don't need to access my LAN so I could solve that problem just by running CAT 5e cable directly from the WAN to those devices. However, the WD live needs to work with my LAN in order to access media. It also needs to access the internet for updates, and services such as Netflicks.

Apparently, something is blocking DNS Server access from the TV, BRD and the WD Live and keeping them from accessing the internet when plugged into the LAN, and in the case of the WD Live my shares. Any ideas on solving this?



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