I'm upping some memory on a few older machines that my wife and kids can use.

One of them has Corsair Twin Pair CM2X1024-6400
(XMS6405v5.1/XMS2-6400/5-5-5-12) memory. I wanted to get the same type
and double the memory then noticed my local microcenter had one left
in their store. Before I bought I researched it and noticed the
latency on the store version is 4-4-4-12 while the memory in the PC
displays on the stick 5-5-5-12. What will happen if I use the stick
that displays 4-4-4-12 with the sticks that say 5-5-5-12? Not fully
understanding the latency aspect and what might happen if I mismatch

I saw they also had a matching set to another machine I have that has
1 GB of memory, and I could pick up Crucial Memory Crucial 2GB DDR-400
(PC-3200) DIMM Memory Kit (Two 1GB Memory Modules) which is exactly
whats in the machine now other than the 2 sticks in there now are
512mb. BUT... it seems the older ram is more expensive? Is it just a
supply and demand this?

The above corsair memory is is $20 cheaper than that older Corsair
memory... Just an observation.

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