Got this older machine we use at the house thats a P4 3.2 with a
9800XT ati card. Been running windows 7 on it. Last two weeks it's
been OK with its use.

Today it seems the desktop is very slow, goes dark screen, waits to
come back online with the working hour glass type circle spinning,
seems to just really hang up but nothing really comes of it to go back
into use. Clicking icons is delayed, that sort of thing.

If I load up in safe mode, safe mode w/ networking, or load up
normally by removing the 9800XT from the device manager and restarting
the PC it seems to run normally. Other than the resolution being less
than what the native mode of the monitor is it seems to work OK.

Tried reinstalling the ATI driver but it still hangs. Seems to only
operate now with no driver, or default windows settings.

Couple of times I see a message pop up that says "The display driver
has stopped responding but has recovered" type of thing.

Can the card finally be going bad, not being able to handle the full
driver? It sort of blinks black screen to desktop every once in a
while as I type this looking over at it.

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