I have a tower with a HD LED cable that has a 3 prong plug. Actually
its two prongs but the middle hole does not have a wire connected to
it. The motherboard has 2 pins for the HD LED wire.

The 3 hole plug obviously does not fit into the two pins on the
motherboard, so this machine has no HD LED which is not the end of the
world but I would like it to work.

I tried pulling the wires out to try and see if I can just pop them
into the middle hole of the 3 hole plug but either its not meant to
pop out, I'm doing something wrong, or I'm afraid to pull too hard and
break the wire.

Has anyone a solution as to how I can get the HD LED wire to connect
to this MB? IS there maybe an adapater Should I be able to move the
wires around?

I thought this stuff was all standard.

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