Yes. Extended-phase support for Windows 2000 (all patch levels) and Windows
XP (SP2) ended on 7/13. XP with SP3 is still supported.

No further patches, security or otherwise, will be created for these
operating system versions unless you have a contract with Microsoft or pay
to have the patch created.

It truly is time to move on...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:hardware-
>] On Behalf Of DSinc
> Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:10 PM
> To: Hardware Group
> Subject: [H] Win2K Server OS
> Am I correct that MS WinUpdates may have pulled Win2000 Server OS from
> their support syllabus?
> Did updates on 07/23/10. W2k Server got bupkis!
> All the XP clients got updates......
> No biggie! I expected this........ :)
> Best,
> Duncan

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