I am trying to pre-admin a new router for my pending FIOS service.
I am due to see the FIOS Internal Installer sometime 9-7-10. The external ONT install is now complete and fully opnorml! 1 down; 1 to go........ :)

I know most of the internal router settings.

Plan to take my test client (jnk) off-lan and re-assign it a new IP addy in the same series as the new router.
-- Shutdown my test client (jnk).
-- Disconnect my home lan cable (10.x.x.x)
-- Zero out the client's (jnk) current DNS, WINS, and Gateway settings.
-- Change test client's  ip addy and sub-net mask only.
-- Shutdown my test client (jnk).
-- Connect spare cable to test client (jnk) to connect to a Switch Port of new router.

Connect new router to spare cable and power it fully up.

Power back up my test client and try and speak (http) to the new router via its' default ip addy.

If OK, log into new router and change what I choose to update.
**Update/Change new router Admin PW!!!!
-- Set known FIOS basic settings.
-- Set new router to a new ip addy for my home lan (10.x.x.x)
-- Re-boot new router.  Wait for stabilization. Re-Check settings.
-- Shutdown new router.
-- Re-admin test client back to old home lan specs.
-- Shutdown test client. Remove spare cable. Reconnect to home lan.
? Should be all good?

If NOT OK, I'm stuck.....or, what have I missed?....... :(

Does this seem like a way to go?

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