The answer to the first questions is yes.

I'm not 100% on the second question as I have not done it before, but I do believe the answer is yes.

I have also mixed devices between brands and they work. I think this was actually doing the thing above, but memory fades over time and I have moved on to gigabit network.

I would consider the WD version, too, as you don't get the one port thingy but two thingys will multiple ports (up to 7 devices), so you expand on each side. Better because you get something back for giving up a port. That huge one port thingy is rather wasteful IMO. It eats an entire socket and only gives you one port. The WD version is better, IMO. These things travel well, which is mainly when I use them now.

On 2/18/2013 2:03 PM, Thane Sherrington wrote:
I know we've discussed Powerline in the past, but I'm not very familiar, so I have a few questions.

I was looking at this device:

Am I right in assuming I can put the single port thingy in the room with my router and plug it into a power socket and them put the 4 port thingy in another room and attach 4 devices to it?

Can I get another 4 port thingy like this:

And expand my network that way?


Single port thingy ------------------>  4 port thingy ----> Devices
------------------------>4 port thingy---->Devices

Or do I need a single port thingy for each 4 port thingy?


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