Yeah, I noticed that I jumped too soon. Then I started to read the rest of that thread. Are you using an Nvidia/AMD chipset. There seemed to be a separate issue there. What year is it again? ;-)

On 7/28/2013 6:57 PM, Winterlight wrote:

Maybe a known issue in 2009 but I don't have problems in 2013 copying blue ray rips = 45GB files to my external USB2 drive using Win7Pro

At 03:07 PM 7/28/2013, you wrote:
It seems to be a known issue with Win7:


On 7/28/2013 6:01 PM, Bobby Heid wrote:

I have a 3TB WD external USB 2.0 drive.  When I try to copy large files
(~50GB), the pc loses the connection and the copy fails after 15-20GB.

Any idea as to what causes this or how to correct the issue?

The drive seems to work normally except for this.



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