At 05:25 PM 08/08/2013, Joshua MacCraw wrote:
and not measured using linear benchmarks. FYI you know about MyDefrag
because of me the last time this came up.

That's right. And I think I thanked you at the time. If not, thanks now. :) Excellent program.

> And frankly, if you're using a netbook, you don't care about performance

Wrong & snobbish.

You're honestly going to argue that netbooks are about performance?

Because mydefag does not do exhaustive defrag, because multiple passes
produce varying landscape even so the files themselves DO end up
defragmented (and in their zone) even if not totally  sorted within the
zone optimally assuming the correct logic and options are applied by the
MYD script writer and sufficient free space to move in.

But it's not just MyDefrag that does this. Every program I've tried will move files on repeated defrag passes, suggesting that it wasn't done properly the first time. Perhaps that's just Windows creating fragmentation continuously, but if that's true then that decreases the value of defragmentation.

I'm going to give MyFragmenter a shot and see if I can actually benchmark an improvement. I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this.


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