Thanks Christopher.  I did try that before I updated the Intel storage
drivers and it did not work.  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Christopher
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [H] Ailing HD on laptop

I've encountered this once and what worked for me was:

   1. Click *Start*, point to *All Programs*, and then click *Accessories*.
   2. Right-click *Command Prompt*, and then click *Run as administrator*.
   3. If the *User Account Control *dialog box appears, confirm that the
   action it displays is what you want, and then click *Continue*.
   4. In the command prompt window, type *net stop cryptsvc*, and then
   press ENTER.
   5. Type *ren <%systemroot%>\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old*, and then
   press ENTER.

   By default, *%systemroot%* is located at C:\Windows.
   6. Type *net start cryptsvc*, and then press ENTER.
   7. Type *exit*, and then press ENTER to close the command prompt window.

Run things with administrator rights of course (Turn off UAC if you're
still having problems, you can turn it back on after).  If that doesn't
help it could be further permissions, goto:

services > cryptographic services > properties >logon (identity)
give the identity account (usually 'network service') full permission on
the C: drive.

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Bobby Heid <> wrote:

> Hey,
> I was working on this lady's laptop.  Running the Dell diagnostics, it
> the drive was failing (something about interrupts not serviced or
> like that).
> So I create a Ghost image of the drive.  Ghost said it successfully
> the image.  I restored the image and after playing around a bit and
> startup repair off of a Vista disc, I got the laptop to boot ok.
> Now, I am unable to run windows update.  Part of the error message says
> something like windows update cannot currently check for updates because
> the
> service is not running.
> I have tried some of following things:
> 1)      Restarted the windows update and bits services
> 2)      Turned windows update off and then back on
> 3)      Emptied the c:\windows\softwaredistribution folder
> Looking in the event logs, I see a lot of CAPI2 ESENT error -583 errors.
> The actual error is "The Cryptographic Services service failed to
> initialize
> the catalog database.  The ESENT error was: --583"
> Some of what I have found implies that the issue may be with the Intel
> Storage drivers since I restored the image onto a new HD.  I tried
> installing the Intel drivers from the Dell website, but it says that I the
> latest drivers.
> Anyone have any ideas as to what I might do to fix this?
> Thanks,
> Bobby

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