Thanks for the history. Wow! Two NV+. Can I assume that both are 4-drive units? Yes, I've read many threads about 'power outage' issues. And why each of my NAS has its' own UPS. This has been tested 3 times since moving to NW Georgia. We get many Electrical storms thanks to Mother Nature! The NAS shutdown logic has worked perfectly every time the UPS battery went to 50% so far. My plan may not be perfect, but I am still hanging in there. Sorry to hear of the data loss. Bummer. Yes, understand the 'speed issues.' Nothing is ever fast enough is it? Understand the Drobo5N. Drobo is very high in the ReadyNAS community also!
Never mind................... :)

On 09/19/2013 12:12, Robert Martin Jr. wrote:
I actually have a ReadyNAS NV+ v1 and a v2. The v1 has been running for years. 
I've had 1 catastrophic failure after a power outage outlasted the UPS. Data 
was completely gone on 2 drives. Rebuilt and it has been running fine since. I 
also had to replace the PS on the v1 once so far.

The NV+ v2 is OK. Seems to have some speed issues when transferring large 
files. I'm planning on selling it because I got a good deal on the Drobo5N and 
it had large capacity.


  From: DSinc <>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: [H] 3TB
Never knew you had a ReadyNAS! Silly me.
How do you like your NV+ v2?
I started with a DUO-v1 in 2009. I can blame John Steinbruner for that.
I have added an Ultra 2 and an Ultra 2+.
Just now I stay local. In the future I may off-site one of my NAS, or,
may try a cloud backup location. For now, I
am very happy with my NAS's.
Everything I've ever learned about NAS has been viathe ReadyNAS forum
via Netgear. Lots of really smart folk there.

On 09/18/2013 20:48, Robert Martin Jr. wrote:
I've got five 4TB Seagate drives in a Drobo5N. All working well about 5 mos 
now. I have 4 WD 3TB reds in a ReadyNAS NV+ v2. I had 1 die within days, but 
the replacement is fine. The reds have a better-longer warranty.


    From: Anthony Q. Martin <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [H] 3TB
I have at least 10 of them running in my movie box. They work fine for this 

Sent from my mobile device.

On Sep 18, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Winterlight <> wrote:

I want to get  one or more 3TB desktop drives to store videos on....either a 
Seagate or WD ... maybe a WD Red. I am really looking at reliability and price 
point rather then performance. Anybody have any issues with large 3TB drives?

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