glad to help >:-}

At 11:55 AM 10/19/2013, DSinc Poked the stick with:
Well, OK,
I suppose it may be the actual switch, or, the m/b logic that connects to the big cable from psu to m/b. Dang! 10 minutes back this was just too simple! I'll pull the top off the server and check for mice and/or
other strange stuff...................... :)

On 10/19/2013 14:17, FORC5 wrote:
not starting is not necessarily the PSU, need to check it. there is a way to jump the connector to make it power up if you do not have a tester. Believe it is the green wire shorted to any of the common ( black) But I have seen them start this way but not have enough voltage to actually turn on a system.

At 11:07 AM 10/19/2013, DSinc Poked the stick with:
So I updated some stuff on my server 3 days ago. Cleaned it up and told it to /Shudown.
The OS is Win2003 Server. Yes, I know, old! What else is new.
Today, it does not power on!

OK, I suspect the PCU just because I installed it new back on 01-05-2005. It was some
'special' model from PCP&C (ATX510-ID ATX 510W).

Can I suppose that I may be able to buy a suitable replacement from SeaSonic?????

No, I have not called or visited their website yet. And, NO, this is not critical. My server
truly does nothing but burn trons once a month for WinUpdates!
Just wondering. Never had this type of PSU failure before. But, it is another Run-to-Failure
moment at my home! I'd think8.75 years is pretty respectable service!

Date:  Saturday, October 19th, 2013

       ***Caution, Tagline Below ***
    "... leads to anger, anger leads to
  hate, hate leads to suffering, dancing
   leads to sex" - Yoda, Puritan Master

Date:  Sunday, October 20th, 2013

       ***Caution, Tagline Below ***
   Save our  planet, leave something of
               value behind.

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