Nano might have been a failure only by Apple's standards. By the standards
of all the other mp3 players it was a pretty good success.


On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Steve Tomporowski <>wrote:

> How about Ipod Nano?  If you read the comments, there are a few that
> issues with the non-removable battery....
> On 10/27/2013 12:21 PM, Chris Reeves wrote:
>> Pippin?  Apple3, Lisa, Newton.. Trying to think of other big ones.
>> Frankly AppleTV almost belongs there
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "Steve Tomporowski" <>
>> Sent: 10/27/2013 7:20 AM
>> To: "hardware@lists.hardwaregroup.**com<>"
>> <hardware@lists.hardwaregroup.**com <>>
>> Subject: [H]  Apple's 6 biggest Failures
>> Some names you haven't heard for a while...
>> 4420641/6-of-Apple-s-biggest-**failures<>

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