In windows 8 the screen that says my media center key is blocked says I can buy a new key online, but when pushed tells me I can not buy a key from this country and will have to buy from a retail store... I am in California... so I guess California can't buy windows 8 keys online. I wonder if MS did the software for the Affordable Care Act.

So, I tried calling Microsoft. I first called the number on my January 2013 receipt... because there is no other number to call them. They tell me that my Media Center Key is no good because it expired because I did not use it before the January 31st deadline.. here is the kicker that media center key has now my windows key which means because it is expired, and blocked Windows 8 is no longer valid, and will eventually shut down... unless I buy a new Windows 8 key.

So they start transferring me around through 4 different departments, All of them telling me I have to go to a retail store and buy a new copy of Windows 8 with Media Center for 100 dollars, until I finally end up at the Microsoft store and again theyt tell me they no longer sell Media Center upgrade... what??... my only way to solve this is to buy a whole new license key with Windows Media Center from them for 100 bucks!!

I have never had to call or deal with MS or activation before and I am clueless if I can even solve this... there is no one to call that seems to understand what has happened or how to fix it. For MS support the only solution they have is to buy a new copy of Windows 8 at a retail store!! You know the lame support staf that tells people they have to reinstall or restore a backup to fix a simple problem. Well MS has taken this to a new level... they tell you that you have to buy a new copy of the OS because your key only works once... imagine that!

Am I screwed.. am I really going to have to buy a whole new copy of Windows 8 with media center and use that key to activate?

After I upgraded to win 8.1 from win 8 something went wrong and my
activation is no longer working .. which makes no sense so I have to contact
MS .. but where is the number... going through the online help keeps sending
me in a circle. Who do I call and where do I get the number?

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