I have a Gb wired and n wifi network. Router, switches, adaptors are all quality Gb components. All cabling is Monoprice manufactured CAT6. The LAN members = PC clients, 2 XBOXs, printers and Wifi devices, all work very well and very quick. All the PCs are running Win7 pro and ultimate and Win8 PRO. My two main PCs are new builds of Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 8 PRO and I haven't screwed around with networking at all.

My WD LIVE Plus devices... I have three.... and my boot up Acronis versions 2010 and 2013 USB recovery drive can not see any workgroup network file share except for ... but not always.... my VMWARE 9 virtual Win2000 which I always run on my primary Win7 Pro computer in order to run a very old version of chessmaster. These devices do not see my primary workgroup at all.... but it does see the workgroup for the Win2000 machine and the machine itself.

I have plugged all devices into the same Netgear Gb switch and when that didn't work I tried another Netgear Gb switch with the same result. It can not be the hardware. The devices originally worked but not now.. something has changed in windows 7 and 8. It is not a bad device because none of the WD live plus media player can access the LAN nor does Acronis 2010 2013 at the DOS boot.

WD has been no help... and I am not the only one with this problem. Their community forum has others with the same issue. Do you think this is just something MS has done through an update that has essentially blocked out this kind of network access. Has anyone seen this kind of problem before?

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