You can not upgrade from win732 to win764. You have to start over with a new install. If you are saying your existing OS is XP32 then you can only install win764 if you have a 64bit processor... but you still have to start with a new partition. MS has a free program/download that you can run in XP and it will tell what hardware and software is compatible to Windows 7. Google for the Windows 7 compatibility site.

At 12:55 PM 3/17/2014, you wrote:
So, today, I tried to upgrade one of my PC's to Win7-64 pro.
Yes, the PC was XP-32. I did not get there. I think I may be
at W7? 32-bit.
Yes, I have seen the W7 desktop (blank w/recycle bin).
Nice trademark, though.
Suspect Networking is semi-dead, but 'Windows' seems to talk to my
PC. Whatever.
Any attempt to load/run setup.exe from the '64-bit' CD fails.
Yes, this version came to me as a "Genuine Windows Install" CD-set.
OK, I used it. The PC isoperable, seems to run W7, but
I can not seem to  move this PC FWD to w7-64bit.
Yes, I did try to format/erase the c:\ drive partition. Did not work as I
watched the sw do its's stuff. So, I sit confused.

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