I don't think you have to many, IIRC you can have like 256 devices?
I'd do just what your thinking. Plug the card directly into a USB port,
skip the hub.
Hubs can be cheesy, quality-wise. Tripplite makes some great powered

joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

"...now these points of data make a beautiful line..."

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [H] USB Problem
> From: Steve Tomporowski <didym...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, July 12, 2014 11:15 am
> To: hardw...@lists.hardwaregroup.com
> Still working out the bugs on the new build.
> I *think* I have too many USB devices.
> System is an Asus Maximus VII Hero, i7-4770k, 16GB memory, not 
> overclocked, Ancient 6850 video card.  Antech 650 watt supply.
> Now for USB I have:  Video camera, 2 external drives, printer, scanner, 
> mouse, keyboard, two midi keyboards and the problem indication:  Alva 
> Nanoface sound card.
> When I had everything plugged in (printer, scanner & midi keyboards were 
> on an external hub), the sound would start out okay, then begin to 
> crackle, finally get so bad you couldn't stand it. Tried plugging 
> nanoface into just about every USB hole with the same result.  The 
> nanoface expects USB 2.0.  Tried powering the hub, but that didn't help.
> If I unplugged one of the midi keyboards, things were okay for most of 
> the time.  Every once in a while (days apart), I'd get the crackling 
> again, in the same way.  Tried a different hub, no joy.
> I checked with the IT department at work, they said they'd had this 
> happen once, too many USB devices, but don't know if it every got solved 
> (it was at another division).
> So I'm looking for some ideas on how to make this bullet proof. Right 
> now the performance is acceptable, on the infrequent times when it's 
> crackling, I only need unplug the nanoface and replug it and I'm good 
> for a while.
> Right now I have a PCI-E USB 3.0 card sitting here.  It takes power 
> directly from the system PS.  I was planning on isolating the nanoface 
> with this card.  If the problem is power, this has it's own power.  If 
> it's bandwidth, then this card doesn't share bandwidth with any other 
> USB port.
> Ideals?
> Thanks....Steve

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